sábado, 5 de julio de 2014

El Libro del Día: Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax

El Libro del Día: 2014-07-05

Titulo: Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax
Autor: Russ Ferguson, Christian Heilmann
Editorial: Apress
Nro Paginas: 377

Chapter 1: Getting Started with JavaScript
Chapter 2: Data and Decisions
Chapter 3: From DHTML to DOM Scripting
Chapter 4: HTML and JavaScript
Chapter 5: Presentation and Behavior (CSS and Event Handling)
Chapter 6: Common Uses of JavaScript: Images and Windows
Chapter 7: JavaScript and User Interaction: Navigation and Forms
Chapter 8: Back-End Interaction with Ajax and Node.js
Chapter 9: Data Validation Techniques
Chapter 10: Modern JavaScript Case Study: A Dynamic Gallery
Chapter 11: Using Third-Party JavaScript
Appendix A: Debugging JavaScript
