viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

El Libro del Día: Head First JavaScript Programming

El Libro del Día: 2014-11-07

Titulo: Head First JavaScript Programming
Autor: Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson
Editorial: O'Reilly
Nro Paginas: 704

1 A quick dip into JavaScript: Getting your feet wet
2 Writing real code: Going further
3 Introducing functions: Getting functional
4 Putting some order in your data: Arrays
5 Understanding objects: A trip to Objectville
6 Interacting with your web page: Getting to know the DOM
7 Types, equality, conversion, and all that jazz: Serious types
8 Bringing it all together: Building an app
9 Asynchronous coding: Handling events
10 First-class functions: Liberated functions
11 Anonymous functions, scope, and closures: Serious functions
12 Advanced object construction: Creating objects
13 Using prototypes: Extra-strength objects
Appendix: The Top Ten Topics (we didn’t cover): Leftovers
