lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

El Libro del Día: Learning JavaScript

El Libro del Día: 2016-01-11

Titulo: Learning JavaScript (3rd Edition)
Autor: Ethan Brown
Editorial: O'Reilly
Nro Paginas: 347

1. Your First Application
2. JavaScript Development Tools
3. Literal, Variables, Constants, and DataTypes
4. Control Flow
5. Expressions and Operators
6. Functions
7. Scope
8. Arrays and Array Processor
9. Objects and Object Oriented Programming
10. Maps and Sets
11. Exceptions and Error Handling
12. Iterators and Generators
13. Functions, and the Power of Abstract Thinking
14. Asynchronous Programming
15. Date and Time
16. Math
17. Regular Expressions
18. JavaScript in the Browser
19. jQuery
20. Node
21. Object Property Configuration and Proxies
22. Additional Resources
A. Reserved Words
B. Operator Precedence
