miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

El Libro del Día: Oracle PL/SQL Programming

El Libro del Día: 2014-07-16

Titulo: Oracle PL/SQL Programming (6th Edition)
Autor: Steven Feuerstein
Editorial: O'Reilly
Nro Paginas: 1382

Part I. Programming in PL/SQL
1. Introduction to PL/SQL
2. Creating and Running PL/SQL Code
3. Language Fundamentals
Part II. PL/SQL Program Structure
4. Conditional and Sequential Control
5. Iterative Processing with Loops
6. Exception Handlers
Part III. PL/SQL Program Data
7. Working with Program Data
8. Strings
9. Numbers
10. Dates and Timestamps
11. Records
12. Collections
13. Miscellaneous Datatypes
Part IV. SQL in PL/SQL
14. DML and Transaction Management
15. Data Retrieval
16. Dynamic SQL and Dynamic PL/SQL
Part V. PL/SQL Application Construction
17. Procedures, Functions, and Parameters
18. Packages
19. Triggers
20. Managing PL/SQL Code
21. Optimizing PL/SQL Performance
22. I/O and PL/SQL
Part VI. Advanced PL/SQL Topics
23. Application Security and PL/SQL
24. PL/SQL Architecture
25. Globalization and Localization in PL/SQL
26. Object-Oriented Aspects of PL/SQL
27. Calling Java from PL/SQL
28. External Procedures
A. Regular Expression Metacharacters and Function Parameters
B. Number Format Models
C. Date Format Models
