viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

El Libro del Día: Dart for Absolute Beginners

El Libro del Día: 2014-12-26

Titulo: Dart for Absolute Beginners
Autor: David Kopec
Editorial: Apress
Nro Paginas: 320

Chapter 1: Getting Set Up
Chapter 2: Your First Dart Programs
Chapter 3: Some Programming Fundamentals
Chapter 4: Five Small Programs to Showcase Fundamentals in Dart
Chapter 5: Functions
Chapter 6: Data Structures
Chapter 7: How Does the Web Work?
Chapter 8: Using Dart to Interact with HTML
Chapter 9: Hangman
Chapter 10: Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals
Chapter 11: Object-Oriented Design
Chapter 12: Advanced Dart Concepts
Chapter 13: Testing Your Work
Chapter 14: Concurrency
Chapter 15: Tools of the Trade
Chapter 16: Putting It All Together
Chapter 17: Where to Go from Here
Chapter 18: Interview with Dart’s Creators
Appendix A: Dart Cheat Sheet
Appendix B: History of Web Programming
Appendix C: Dart Timeline
Appendix D: Great Resources
