jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

El Libro del Día: MCTS Exam 70529

El Libro del Día: 2014-10-30

Titulo: MCTS Exam 70529. NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Application Development
Autor: Sara Morgan, Bill Ryan, Shannon Horn
Editorial: Microsoft
Nro Paginas: 749

1. Creating an XML Web Service
2. Extending XML Web Services with SOAP Formatting, Custom Headers, and Extensions
3. Configuring and Publishing XML Web Services
4. Creating a Remoting Server Application
5. Creating a Remoting Client Application
6. Debugging and Deploying Remote Applications
7. Method Invokations and Event Managament with .NET Web Services
8. Method Invokations and Event Managament with .NET Remoting
9. Web Services Enhancements 3.0 in Client and Server Applications
10. WSE Security
11. Messaging and Routing
12. Creating Serviced Components
13. Serviced Component Management
