domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

El Libro del Día: Beginning WebGL for HTML5

El Libro del Día: 2014-08-31

Titulo: Beginning WebGL for HTML5
Autor: Brian Danchilla
Editorial: Apress
Nro Paginas: 348

Chapter 1: Setting the Scene
Chapter 2: Shaders 101
Chapter 3: Textures and Lighting
Chapter 4: Increasing Realism
Chapter 5: Physics
Chapter 6: Fractals, Height Maps, and Particle Systems
Chapter 7: Three.js Framework
Chapter 8: Productivity Tools
Chapter 9: Debugging and Performance
Chapter 10: Effects, Tips, and Tricks
Afterword: The Future of WebGL
Appendix A: Essential HTML5 and JavaScript
Appendix B: Graphics Refresher
Appendix C: WebGL Spec. Odds and Ends
Appendix D: Additional Resources
