jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

El Libro del Día: Windows Store App Development

El Libro del Día: 2014-09-04

Titulo: Windows Store App Development
Autor: Pete Brown
Editorial: Manning
Nro Paginas: 624

1 Hello, Modern Windows
2 The Modern UI
3 The Windows Runtime and .NET
5 Layout
6 Panels
7 Brushes, graphics, styles, and resources
8 Displaying beautiful text
9 Controls, binding, and MVVM
10 View controls, Semantic Zoom, and navigation
11 The app bar
12 The splash screen, app tile, and notifications
13 View states
14 Contracts: playing nicely with others
15 Working with files
16 Asynchronous everywhere
17 Networking with SOAP and RESTful services
18 A chat app using sockets
19 A little UI work: user controls and Blend
20 Networking player location
21 Keyboards, mice, touch, accelerometers, and gamepads
22 App settings and suspend/resume
23 Deploying and selling your app
