viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

El Libro del Día: Exam Ref 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

El Libro del Día: 2016-09-30

Titulo: Exam Ref 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
Autor: Rick Delorme
Editorial: Microsoft Press
Nro Paginas: 353

Chapter 1 Implement and manipulate document structures and objects
- Objective 1.1: Create the document structure
- Objective 1.2: Write code that interacts with UI controls
- Objective 1.3: Apply styling to HTML elements programmatically
- Objective 1.4: Implement HTML5 APIs
- Objective 1.5: Establish the scope of objects and variables
- Objective 1.6: Create and implement objects and methods
Chapter 2 Implement program flow
- Objective 2.1: Implement program flow
- Objective 2.2: Raise and handle an event
- Objective 2.3: Implement exception handling
- Objective 2.4: Implement a callback
- Objective 2.5: Create a web worker process
Chapter 3 Access and secure data
- Objective 3.1: Validate user input by using HTML5 elements
- Objective 3.2: Validate user input by using JavaScript
- Objective 3.3: Consume data
- Objective 3.4: Serialize, deserialize, and transmit data
Chapter 4 Use CSS3 in applications
- Objective 4.1: Style HTML text properties
- Objective 4.2: Style HTML box properties
- Objective 4.3: Create a flexible content layout
- Objective 4.4: Create an animated and adaptive UI
- Objective 4.5: Find elements using CSS selectors and jQuery
- Objective 4.6: Structure a CSS file by using CSS selectors


martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

El Libro del Día: Map Scripting 101

El Libro del Día: 2016-09-27

Titulo: Map Scripting 101
Autor: Adam DuVander
Editorial: No Starch Press
Nro Paginas: 380

Chapter 1: Mapping Basics
Chapter 2: Plotting Markers and Message Boxes
Chapter 3: Geocoding
Chapter 4: Layer It On
Chapter 5: Handle Map Events
Chapter 6: Explore Proximity
Chapter 7: User Location
Chapter 8: Data Formats
Chapter 9: Go Server-Side
Chapter 10: Mashup Projects
Appendix A: JavaScript Quick Start
Appendix B: Mapstraction Reference


lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

El Libro del Día: Understanding ECMAScript 6

El Libro del Día: 2016-09-26

Titulo: Understanding ECMAScript 6
Autor: Nicholas C. Zakas
Editorial: No Starch Press
Nro Paginas: 355

Chapter 1: Block Bindings
Chapter 2: Strings and Regular Expressions
Chapter 3: Functions
Chapter 4: Expanded Object Functionality
Chapter 5: Destructuring for Easier Data Access
Chapter 6: Symbols and Symbol Properties
Chapter 7: Sets and Maps
Chapter 8: Iterators and Generators
Chapter 9: Introducing JavaScript Classes
Chapter 10: Improved Array Capabilities
Chapter 11: Promises and Asynchronous Programming
Chapter 12: Proxies and the Reflection API
Chapter 13: Encapsulating Code with Modules
Appendix A: Minor Changes in ECMAScript 6
Appendix B: Understanding ECMAScript 7 (2016)


miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016

El Libro del Día: Understanding Compression

El Libro del Día: 2016-09-14

Titulo: Understanding Compression
Autor: Colt McAnlis, Aleks Haecky
Editorial: O'Reilly
Nro Paginas: 241

1. Let’s Not Be Boring
2. Do Not Skip This Chapter
3. Breaking Entropy
4. Variable-Length Codes
5. Statistical Encoding
6. Adaptive Statistical Encoding
7. Dictionary Transforms
8. Contextual Data Transforms
9. Data Modeling
10. Switching Gears
11. Evaluating Compression
12. Compressing Image Data Types
13. Serialized Data
14. Lossy Data Compression
15. Making the World a Little Smaller
Glossary of Compression Words
