viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

El Libro del Día: Building Windows 8.1 Apps from the Ground Up

El Libro del Día: 2014-09-05

Titulo: Building Windows 8.1 Apps from the Ground Up
Autor: Emanuele Garofalo, Antonio Liccardi, Michele Aponte
Editorial: Apress
Nro Paginas: 377

Chapter 1: Introduction to Windows 8.1
Chapter 2: Windows Runtime Environment
Chapter 3: Designing the User Experience
Chapter 4: Choose Your Way
Chapter 5: Managing the Application Life Cycle
Chapter 6: Start Up Your App
Chapter 7: Take Advantage of the Environment
Chapter 8: Data Management
Chapter 9: Listening to the World
Chapter 10: Accessibility and Globalization
Chapter 11: Sell Your App
Appendix A: Live Tile and Toast Templates
Appendix B: Windows Store Developer Account
