martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

El Libro del Día: Beginning Windows Phone App Development

El Libro del Día: 2014-09-09

Titulo: Beginning Windows Phone App Development
Autor: Henry Lee, Eugene Chuvyrov
Editorial: Apress
Nro Paginas: 538

Chapter 1: Introducing Windows Phone and the Windows Phone Platform
Chapter 2: Building Windows Phone Applications
Chapter 3: Building Windows Phone 7 Applications Using Cloud Services As Data Stores
Chapter 4: Catching and Debugging Errors
Chapter 5: Packaging, Publishing, and Managing Applications
Chapter 6: Working with the Accelerometer
Chapter 7: Application Bar
Chapter 8: The WebBrowser Control
Chapter 9: Working with Controls and Themes
Chapter 10: Integrating Applications with the Windows Phone OS
Chapter 11: Creating Trial Applications
Chapter 12: Internationalization
Chapter 13: Isolated Storage
Chapter 14: Using Location Services
Chapter 15: Media
Chapter 16: Working with the Camera and Photos
Chapter 17: Push Notifications
Chapter 18: Reactive Extensions for .NET
Chapter 19: Security
