domingo, 25 de enero de 2015

El Libro del Día: Create Web Charts with D3

El Libro del Día: 2015-01-25

Titulo: Create Web Charts with D3
Autor: Fabio Nelli
Editorial: Apress
Nro Paginas: 301

Chapter 1: Charting Technology Overview
Chapter 2: Working with D3
Chapter 3: Line Charts with D3
Chapter 4: Bar Charts with D3
Chapter 5: Pie Charts with D3
Chapter 6: Candlestick Charts with D3
Chapter 7: Scatterplot and Bubble Charts with D3
Chapter 8: Radar Charts with D3
Chapter 9: Handling Live Data with D3
Chapter 10: Adding Controls to Charts
Chapter 11: Embedding D3 Charts in jQuery Widgets
Chapter 12: JSON and Layouts - Handling Structured Data
Appendix A: Guidelines for the Examples in the Book
