lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

El Libro del Día: Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation 4.0 Cookbook for Developing SOA Applications

El Libro del Día: 2015-01-12

Titulo: Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation 4.0 Cookbook for Developing SOA Applications
Autor: Steven Cheng
Editorial: Packt
Nro Paginas: 316

Chapter 1: Working with Contracts
Chapter 2: Endpoint, Binding, and Behavior
Chapter 3: Hosting and Configuration
Chapter 4: Service Discovery and Proxy Generation
Chapter 5: Channel and Messaging
Chapter 6: Dealing with Data in Service
Chapter 7: Security
Chapter 8: Concurrency
Chapter 9: Extending WCF Runtime
Chapter 10: RESTful and AJAX-enabled WCF Services
Chapter 11: Interoperability
Chapter 12: Diagnostics
Chapter 13: Miscellaneous WCF Development Tips


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