viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

El Libro del Día: AngularJS Directives Cookbook

El Libro del Día: 2016-01-15

Titulo: AngularJS Directives Cookbook
Autor: Fernando Monteiro
Editorial: Packt
Nro Paginas: 206

Chapter 1: Dealing with Modal and Tabs Directives
Chapter 2: Building a Navbar Custom Directive
Chapter 3: Customizing and Using Bootstrap UI Directives
Chapter 4: Creating Interactive jQuery UI Directives
Chapter 5: Implementing Custom Directives with Yeoman Generators
Chapter 6: Using Directives to Develop Interface Components
Chapter 7: Building Directives with Dynamic Templates
Chapter 8: Creating Reusable Directives
Chapter 9: Directive Unit Testing with Karma and Jasmine


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