jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

El Libro del Día: Essential C# 6.0

El Libro del Día: 2016-07-28

Titulo: Essential C# 6.0 (5th Edition)
Autor: Mark Michaelis, Eric Lippert
Editorial: Addison Wesley
Nro Paginas: 1046

1 Introducing C#
2 Data Types
3 Operators and Control Flow
4 Methods and Parameters
5 Classes
6 Inheritance
7 Interfaces
8 Value Types
9 Well-Formed Types
10 Exception Handling
11 Generics
12 Delegates and Lambda Expressions
13 Events
14 Collection Interfaces with Standard Query Operators
15 LINQ with Query Expressions
16 Building Custom Collections
17 Reflection, Attributes, and Dynamic Programming
18 Multithreading
19 Thread Synchronization
20 Platform Interoperability and Unsafe Code
21 The Common Language Infrastructure
A Downloading and Installing the C# Compiler and CLI Platform
B Tic-Tac-Toe Source Code Listing
C Interfacing with Multithreading Patterns prior to the TPL and C# 6.0
D Timers Prior to the Async/Await Pattern of C# 5.0


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