miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

El Libro del Día: Beginning Windows Store Application Development

El Libro del Día: 2014-09-03

Titulo: Beginning Windows Store Application Development
Autor: Scott Isaacs, Kyle Burns
Editorial: Apress
Nro Paginas: 520

Chapter 1: Welcome to a Touch-First World
Chapter 2: The Microsoft Design Language
Chapter 3: Designing Windows Store Applications
Chapter 4: Visual Studio 2012 and Windows Store Application Types
Chapter 5: HTML Controls
Chapter 6: WinJS Controls
Chapter 7: WinJS Collection Controls
Chapter 8: WinJS Custom Controls
Chapter 9: Building the User Interface
Chapter 10: Transitions and Animations
Chapter 11: Data-Binding Concepts
Chapter 12: Promises
Chapter 13: Web Workers
Chapter 14: Data Source Options
Chapter 15: Session State and Settings
Chapter 16: Files
Chapter 17: Handling State Changes
Chapter 18: External Libraries
Chapter 19: Search and Share Contracts
Chapter 20: Printing
Chapter 21: Notifications and Tiles
Chapter 22: Camera and Location
Chapter 23: Sharing Apps in the Windows Store


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