miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

El Libro del Día: Pro JavaScript Techniques (2nd Edition)

El Libro del Día: 2015-09-23

Titulo: Pro JavaScript Techniques (2nd Edition)
Autor: John Resig, Russ Ferguson, John Paxton
Editorial: Packt
Nro Paginas: 193

Chapter 1: Professional JavaScript Techniques
Chapter 2: Features, Functions, and Objects
Chapter 3: Creating Reusable Code
Chapter 4: Debugging JavaScript Code
Chapter 5: The Document Object Model
Chapter 6: Events
Chapter 7: JavaScript and Form Validation
Chapter 8: Introduction to Ajax
Chapter 9: Web Production Tools
Chapter 10: AngularJS and Testing
Chapter 11: The Future of JavaScript
Appendix A: DOM Reference


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