viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

Videos - IoTaConf Octubre 2014

Videos del IoTaConf Octubre 2014

El futuro de la computación es el Internet de las Cosas (IoT), y en este post les comparto los videos de uno de los eventos mas importantes a nivel mundial sobre este tema.

1. Olivier Bloch: Using Microsoft tools and platforms to build the IoT

2. Michael Koster, ARM: Design Patterns for an Internet of Things

3. Todd Montgomery, Kaazing: IoT Connectivity, Standards & Architecture

4. Wayne Piekarski, Google: Android Wear

5. Ravi Kurani, Sutro: 50 Billion Devices and the Next Billion Consumers

6. Bo Huang, SenseEarth: Real world maps in first person with Oculus Rift

7. Alex Lebrurn, Wit.AI: Speech Interfaces for the Internet of Things

8. Abhishek Sanwal: IOT Landscape, Evolution & Marturity Models. Rework the Internet

9. Andy Carle, Marvell: Mind the Gap. JavaScript for IoT, from Concept to Production

10. Kevin Hoyt, Kaazing: IoT and the New Web

11. Oliver Hutaff, Electric Imp: The True Value of the Internet of Things

12. Alfred Lui, Seer Labs: Re-orientating­ UX Design for the Internet of Things

13. Rikard Strid, Clayster: XMPP - Normalize Internet Of Things

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