martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

El Libro del Día: Security for Web Developers

El Libro del Día: 2015-11-17

Titulo: Security for Web Developers
Autor: John Paul Mueller
Editorial: O'Reilly
Nro Paginas: 382

Part I. Developing a Security Plan
1. Defining the Application Environment
2. Embracing User Needs and Expectations
3. Getting Third-Party Assistance
Part II. Applying Successful Coding Practices
4. Developing Successful Interfaces
5. Building Reliable Code
6. Incorporating Libraries
7. Using APIs with Care
8. Considering the Use of Microservices
Part III. Creating Useful and Efficient Testing Strategies
9. Thinking Like a Hacker
10. Creating an API Safety Zone
11. Checking Libraries and APIs for Holes
12. Using Third-Party Testing
Part IV. Implementing a Maintenance Cycle
13. Clearly Defining Upgrade Cycles
14. Considering Update Options
15. Considering the Need for Reports
Part V. Locating Security Resources
16. Tracking Current Security Threats
17. Getting Required Training


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