miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015

El Libro del Día: Learning Three.js The JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL

El Libro del Día: 2015-01-07

Titulo: Learning Three.js The JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL
Autor: Jos Dirksen
Editorial: Packt
Nro Paginas: 402

Chapter 1: Creating Your First 3D Scene with Three.js
Chapter 2: Working with the Basic Components That Make Up a Three.js Scene
Chapter 3: Working with the Different Light Sources Available in Three.js
Chapter 4: Working with the Three.js Materials
Chapter 5: Learning to Work with Geometries
Chapter 6: Using Advanced Geometries and Binary Operations
Chapter 7: Particles and the Particle System
Chapter 8: Creating and Loading Advanced Meshes and Geometries
Chapter 9: Animations and Moving the Camera
Chapter 10: Loading and Working with Textures
Chapter 11: Custom Shaders and Render Post Processing
Chapter 12: Adding Physics to Your Scene with Physijs


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